Proudly Presenting Our New CD
Title: At Last
Artist: BiG Band BG
Released: 1/15/18
Suggested donation: $20 (add $2 for shipping)
To get our CD, send a check for $22 made out to:
Bowling Green Area Community BandsP. O. Box 1236
Bowling Green, OH 43402
Include your mailing address.
If you would like to receive our email newsletter, also supply your email address.
At Last
I Remember Clifford
Listen to interview of director William E. Lake by Clint Corpe on the Morning Show WBGU-FM on 1/18/18

Who we are
- BiG Band BG is the community jazz band sponsored by the nonprofit Bowling Green Area Community Bands (BGACB), which also operates a concert band. The BGACB strives to contribute positively to the musical and cultural environment of northwest Ohio, while providing opportunities for individual expression and growth. As an amateur organization, we play primarily for the love of it.
- Our 20 members, aged 20s through 70s, hail mainly from Wood Co. Some of us are retired. Others have day jobs in, for example, computers, government, or business. Half of us earned at least a bachelor’s degree in music.
What we play
- Our repertoire consists mainly of swing, with a dollop of latin and a smattering of jazz-rock and funk. The bulk comes from mainstream jazz (50s and 60s), with the swing era (30s and 40s) not far behind. Among our favorite big bands are those of Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Stan Kenton, Glenn Miller, and Buddy Rich.
- The majority of our performances occur with the BGACB Concert Band. BiG Band BG also plays concerts, festivals, and dances on its own. We would enjoy providing music for your special event. (However, we do not send out small combos.) Contact information is listed on the bottom of the page.
Brian BushongRob Cintron
William E. LakeSax
Dan SchellhasJohn Skolits
Rob Snyder
Dan Van Vorhis
Clay Wolph
Brian BushongSara Bushong
Judy Mayo
Jon Roode
Adam Young
Lily Young
Eric HibbetsJohn Kloor
Dan Mayo
Larry Twitchell
Steve ArnoldMark Dally
David Middleton
Joe Stribrny
Kenneth Zuercher